Movie: “BAD LANDS” Sakura Ando × Ryosuke Yamada × Masato Harada
The movie “BAD LANDS” is a film adaptation of the profound masterpiece novel “Keisou” by Naoki Prize-winning author Hiroyuki Kurokawa. Directed and written by Masato Harada, known for his notable works such as “The Suspect: Muroi Shinji” and “Sengoku,” “Heldoggs,” the film brings the novel to life on the big screen. The movie “BAD LANDS” is a film adaptation of the profound masterpiece novel “Keisou” by Naoki Prize-winning author Hiroyuki Kurokawa. Directed and written by Masato Harada, known for his notable works such as “The Suspect: Muroi Shinji” and “Sengoku,” “Heldoggs,” the film brings the novel to life on the big screen.
Synopsis of the movie “BAD LANDS Bad Lands In this land where the <have-nots> have survived by snatching the sustenance of life from the <haves>, Neri and her younger brother Joe are involved in a specialized scam. One night, they unexpectedly come into possession of a “fortune exceeding billions.” As they attempt to withdraw the money, they find themselves confronted by various formidable enemies. Will Neri and Joe be able to escape from this <dangerous land>? 【Work Details】 Movie: “BAD LANDS” Release Date: September 29, 2023 (Friday) Cast: Sakura Ando, Ryosuke Yamada Director: Masato Harada Screenplay: Masato Harada Producer: Masato Harada Based on the novel “Keisou” by Hiroyuki Kurokawa (published by Tokuma Bunko) Music: Reiko Tsuchiya ©2023 “BAD LANDS” Production Committee