The sequel to the live-action film “Tokyo Revengers,” titled “Tokyo Revengers 2: Bloody Halloween Arc,” is set to be released.
The popular manga has been adapted into a live-action film titled "Tokyo Revengers."
“Tokyo Revengers” by Ken Wakui is a popular manga series that gained immense popularity as soon as it started serialization in “Weekly Shonen Magazine.” The story revolves around the protagonist Takemichi, who goes back in time to seek revenge and gradually grows stronger with each journey to the past. The series also highlights the strong bonds between Takemichi and his passionate friends who stand together to face challenges, along with numerous impactful quotes that touch the heart. It has become a hot topic, and as of February 2023, the cumulative total of manga volumes sold has exceeded 70 million copies.
The sequel, "Tokyo Revengers 2," will be a two-part series with the first part titled "Bloody Halloween Chapter."
The sequel to the movie “Tokyo Revengers,” titled “Tokyo Revengers 2: Bloody Halloween Chapter,” is set to be released, creating a sense of grand scale. The “Bloody Halloween Chapter” serves as the source material for the film and is depicted in volumes 4-8 of the original manga. It also gained attention in the 2021 anime adaptation. Author Ken Wakui himself describes it as a particularly memorable series in the original work.
In “Tokyo Revengers 2: Bloody Halloween Chapter,” viewers can expect the epic showdown known as the “Blood Halloween” between the Tokyo Manji Gang and Valhalla, as well as various legendary scenes that tear apart the six founding members of the Tokyo Manji Gang (Mikey, Draken, Baji, Mitsuya, Pah-chin, and Kazutora). The film will showcase the resilience of Takemichi as he stands up once again for Hinata and his friends, highlighting their irreplaceable bonds of friendship. This episode holds significant meaning for the original author, increasing anticipation for how it will be brought to life on the screen.
【Film Details】
First Part: “Tokyo Revengers 2: Bloody Halloween Chapter -Fate-“
Release Date: April 21, 2023 (Friday)
Second Part: “Tokyo Revengers 2: Bloody Halloween Chapter -Decisive Battle-“
Release Date: June 30, 2023 (Friday)
Original Work: Ken Wakui’s “Tokyo Revengers” (Published by Kodansha in Weekly Shonen Magazine, KC)
Director: Tsutomu Hanabusa
Screenplay: Izumi Takahashi
Cast: Takumi Kitamura, Yuki Yamada, Ryo Yoshizawa, Mio Imada, Nobuyuki Suzuki, Godo Sumida, Hiroya Shimizu, Yuto Isomura, Aya Nagayama, Nijiro Murakami, Kengo Kora, Mahiro Takasugi, Shotaro Mamiya, Ryo Yoshizawa
Distributor: Warner Bros. Pictures